par Philippe Maillard
Bibliographie 100 % Pichaureau
Le Violon Intérieur, Dominique Hoppenot, Éditions Van De Velde 1981
Double High C in 37 weeks, Roger W. Spaulding, Éditions High Notes Studios,
1963 (traduction P.Maillard)*
Advanced Lip Flexibilities, Charles Colin, Éditions Charles Colin, 1970 (Traduction
Méthode de trompette, Merri Franquin, Éditions Enoch & Cie, 1902
Le Chant de l’Être, Serge Wilfart, Éditions Albin Michel, 1994
Le Zen Dans l’Art Chevaleresque Du Tir à l’Arc, E . Herrigel,
Éditions Dervy-livres, 1970
A Propos des Trompettistes, Jean François Guyot, Thèse de chirurgie
dentaire,N°425584, Académie de Paris, Université René Descartes
(Paris V), 1984
* Ces ouvrages n'étant pas libres de droits, les traductions de Philippe Maillard ne peuvent être diffusées.
Avec précautions, du bon et du moins bon....
L’art de Jouer les Cuivres, Philip Farkas, Éditions Leduc
La Trompette, approche méthodique moderne, Fred Gérard, International
Music Diffusion, 1985
Traité de Pédagogie Instrumentale, Michel Ricquier, Éditions Billaudot,
Quelques auteurs de méthodes à utiliser en remplaçant
le manuel d’origine par le manuel Robert Pichaureau.
(Un aperçu d’une petite centaine...)
Adam, A.A. Super Lung Power and Breath Control, Bold Brass
Studios, 1977
Adam, A.A. Terrific Tongue, Bold Brass Studios
Albus, J, Etudes Transpositrices, Selmer, 1949
Aptal, G, Méthode, George Delrieu
& Cie
Arban, Jean Baptiste, Grande Méthode Complète, Leduc
Avey, Dennis Hugh, Brass Players Guide, Robert King Music
Balay, Guillaume, Méthode Complète, Leduc,
Beeler, W, Method, Warner Brothers Music
Bellamah, J, Survey of Modern Brass Teaching Philosophies, Southern
Music Company
Bendinelli, C, The Entire Art of Trumpet Playing(E. Tarr), The
Brass Press
Benedetti, Donald, Magic Lip Conditioners, Donald Benedetti
Bing, William, The Bing Book for Trumpet , BIM
Bodet, F, Technique des Lèvres, Robert Martin
Branch, Harold, Pedal Tones, Harold Branch Publishing,
Branch, Harold, How to Play the Trumpet, Accentuate
Broiles, Mel, The Art of Trumpet Playing (+Colin), Colin,
Browning, J, The Perfect Tutor, Allans Music
Burba, M, Teach your Body to Blow, BIM
Bush, Irving, Advanced Range, Technical and Interval Studies, Western
International Music, 1974
Callet, Jerome, Brass Power & Endurance, Harold
Branch Publications
Caruso, Carmine, Musical Calisthenics for Brass, Colin,
Cathrine, T, Teach the Trumpet, Galaxy Music Corporation
Charlier, Theo, 36 études Transcendantes, Leduc,
Clarke, Herbert L., Technical Studies, Carl Fischer,
Clodomir, P.F., Méthode Complète pour le Cornet, Leduc
Colin, Charles, Complete Method, Colin
D’ath, N, Cornet Playing, Boosey & Hawkes
Davidson, Louis, Trumpet Techniques, Louis Davidson,
Delangre, Mise en Lèvres, Leduc
Distaulo, J., How to Build Yourself on Trumpet, Harold Branch
Dokchitzer, Timofei, Méthode de Trompette, Leduc
Edwards, Austin R, Method (+Hovey, Nilo W.), Belwin-Mills
Erwin, P.W. , Teaches You To Play The Trumpet, Colin
Farmer, Art, The Art of Art Farmer, Carl Fischer
Farkas, Philip, L’Art de Jouer les Cuivres, Leduc,
Fox, F, Essentials of Brass Playing, Columbia Pictures
Fuller, R.E., Trumpet Method, Chamber Music Library
Gibson, Daryl J, A Textbook for Trumpet, Schmidt, Hall
& Mc Creary, 1982
Glasel, John, Relaxation Techniques, Encore Music Publishers,
Gordon, Claude, Brass playing is not Harder than Deep Breathing, Carl
Gordon, Claude, Physical Approach of Brass Playing, Carl
Gordon, Claude, Daily Trumpet Routines, Carl Fisher,
Gornson, D, Method, Southern Music Publishing
Gower, W, Rubank Advanced Method (+Voxman, H) , Rubank, 1960
Grocock, Albert, Advanced Method for Trumpet, Argee Music
Press, 1968
Hanson, Faye, Brass Playing, Carl Fisher, 1968
Harper, Thomas, Instructions for The Trumpet, Facsimile 1837, Spring
Tree Entreprises
Harris, Aaron, Advanced Studies, Colin, 1972
Haynie, John, How to play high, middle and low notes, Colin
Hering, Sigmund, Trumpet course, Carl Fisher, 1961
Hovaldt, Knud, Trumpet Techniques/Lip Flexibilities, Robert
King, 1971
Hunt, N.J., Guide To Teaching Brass, Belwin-Mills
Jacoby, Don, Jake’s Method, Jackobotz, 1990
Job, Ecole du Chant et du Style Trompette, Leduc
Johnson, Keith, Progressive Studies in the High Register, Harold
Gore Publishing Co, 1991
Jones, T, Lead Trumpet Book, Kendor Music Company
Kapilovsky, M, Daily Drills, Accentuate Music
Laszlo, S, Trombitaiskola, Editio Musica Budapest
Leidig, V, Contemporary Brass Techniques, Highland Music
Lillya, Clifford, Trumpet Technique, Carl Fisher, 1952
Little, Lowell, Embouchure Builder, Pro Art, 1976
Lynch, J.H., New Approach to Trumpet Playing, C.L. Barnhouse
Mathie, Gordon, The Trumpet Teacher’s Guide, Queen
City Brass Publications
Mathez, Jean Pierre, Trompetenschule, Universal Éditions
McDunn, Méthode de Trompette (+Rusch), Leduc
McNeil, John, The Art of Jazz Trumpet, Gerard & Sarzin
Publishing Co, 1993
Mitchell, Harold, Trumpet Method, Charles Hansen,
Moeck, Walter, Trumpet Warm-ups, C.L. Barnhouse, 1976
Motycka, Arthur, Modern Method for Advanced Trumpet, Ludwig,
Peretti, S, Nuova Scuola D’Insegnamento, G. Ricordi
& Cie
Porret, Julien, Méthode Progressive, Robert Martin,
Prentiss, H.H., Complete Preceptor for the Cornopean, Facsimile, The
Brass Press
Ricquier, Michel, Traité de Pédagogie Instrumentale, Billaudot,
Quinque, Rolf, Method, BIM
Reger, Wayne, The Talking Trumpet, Colin, 1957
Reinhardt, Donald, Pivot System, Elkan-Vogel (Presser),
Ridgeon, J, How Brass Players Do It, Belwin-Mills
Rosenfeld, Seymour, A Method for the Trumpet, Schaffner
Publishing Co, 1988
Rosenthal, I, The Trumpet, Western International
Sandoval, Arturo, Brass Playing Concepts, BIM, 1992
St Jacome, Grand Method, Carl Fisher, 1894
Schaub, H, Méthode Elémentaire, Billaudot
Schlossberg, Max, Daily Drills and Technical Studies, M.
Baron, 1941
Schneider, W, Schule für Trompete, Scott’s
Shepard, Hayden, How to Build up Endurance in Trumpet Playing, Colin,
Shuebruck, Richard, Graded Lips Trainers, Carl Fisher, 1923
Smith, Walter, Lip Flexibility on the Cornet or Trumpet, Carl
Fisher, 1936
Stewart, M.D., Arnold Jacobs : The Legacy of a Master, The Instrumentalist
Staigers, D, Flexibilities Studies, Carl Fischer
Stamp, James, Warm-ups Plus Studies, BIM, 1978
Stevens, Thomas, Contemporary Trumpet Studies, Billaudot,
Swan, John, A Practice Routine for Brass Players, John D.
Swan, 1983
Tancredi, Julio, Unique Book for Advanced Trumpet Student, Julio
Thibaud, Pierre, Techniques Nouvelles de la Trompette, Leduc,
Thibaud, Pierre, ABC du Jeune Trompettiste, Billaudot
Vaillant, Ludovic, Traité Pédagogique de Trompette et de
Cornet, Leduc
Vannetelbosch, L. Julian, Le Débutant Trompettiste, Leduc
Vizzuti, Allen, Trumpet Method, Alfred Publishing
Co, 1991
Withener, S, Complete Guide to Brass Instruments and Pedagogy, Mac
Millan Publishing Company
Weast, Robert, Keys To Natural Performance for Brass Players, Brass
World, 1979
Williams, Ernest, Secret of Technique Preservation, Colin,
Young, Gene, Embouchure Enlightenment, Tromba Publications,
Zauder, David, Embouchure and Techniques Studies, Colin,
Zorn, J.D., Exploring The Trumpet’s Upper Register, Kendor
Music Company
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